PCDJ DEX 2 - Mac / Win

PCDJ DEX 2 - Mac / Win
, Windows 7
, Windows Vista
, Windows XP
Unit price:
Total price:
(179.00 USD)
DEX 2.0 For MAC or Windows - shipped in product box, product activation key included inside.
PCDJ DEX 2.0 for MAC or Windows is our all-encompassing professional DJ
software that’s simple enough for the novice, but feature rich enough
for any seasoned DJ. Look no further, DEX 2.0 does it all – whether
you’re mixing audio, video, or even karaoke files DEX gives you full
control over your media allowing you to do more in the mix than ever
before. With our ultra-accurate automatic beat-mixing, your songs will
always stay in sync, allowing you to focus on the other aspects of your
mix. Since DEX 2.0 offers no latency playback; loops, hot cues, and all
playback controls are as responsive as possible, whether you’re using a
keyboard and mouse or a DJ MIDI controller. So load up DEX 2.0, import
you tunes, and cue up your imagination - DEX 2.0 is the total
entertainment solution, accept no compromises!